A job description can help you in more ways than one!
"Resumes and CVs are key elements to a successful job search. Yet, many people struggle when compiling their work histories. Jessica Hernandez, who is the president and CEO of Great Resumes Fast, offered best practices during the latest episode of #GetHired Live."
From the minute you walk into the building and meet the interviewer you are being assessed how you look and clothing plays a big part in your appearance. First impressions count, as well as having the necessary skills and ability to do the job, you also have to look the part and fit in with the company’s culture.
"As jobs go remote due to coronavirus, several cities are doubling down on incentive programs to lure tech workers to work from home in a new location."
"Job searching can feel like a lonely process, but it can’t be done alone. In the vast majority of cases, you’ll land a job thanks — in part — to your network. Plus, your prospective employer will likely ask for references at some point during the hiring process."
A well written Resume will provide potential employers with an insight into your key abilities allowing them to get a clear indication of your qualifications & suitability before meeting you. You should provide just enough detail in your Resume to gain the reader's attention, they will then want to interview you to find out more.
Are you going to start working from home soon? If you are, keep reading for our essential tips for working remotely that will have you motivated and focused.
When you brand a resume, you are going above merely stating qualification. Instead, you are showcasing a distinction and a trademark. A signature that is yours and yours alone, helping you soar above your competition.
"Businesses across the world are beginning to reopen as efforts to contain the new coronavirus are slowing infections and reducing the number of deaths. I thought it was important to examine how hiring practices are shaping up as those companies once again start bringing new talent into their organizations."
"Work emails during the coronavirus pandemic must walk a fine line between being sensitive and oversharing"
"Cover letters are among the most dreaded parts of a job application. Aside from the chore of writing an original and engaging message, you may question whether you should even include a letter as part of the application."